The stuff I do for my own satisfaction when I’m not doing the things I get paid for. Hopefully they provide value to others as well, or inspire some coding mad science of your own. Some are maintained better than others.


niv-updater-action is GitHub Action that creates meaningful pull requests with updates to your niv-managed dependencies, so you don’t have to do menial chores.

In other words, this action will run periodically, and whenever it notices there are updates to the dependencies that are managed with niv, it will create a new GitHub Pull Request, one per dependency. This Pull Request will contain the whole list of changes, with nice links to the upstream Pull Requests and commits, so you could easily inspect which changes are about to land.

Repository History

rh is a Go modules-like hierarchy aware cd command for easier navigation to your repositories. Go organizes modules based on server/organization/repository hierachy (for example,, which I liked a lot. rh is a step toward having that structure with all repositories I keep on my machine, while making my workflow as smooth as possible. Following the previous example, simply typing rh rh would take me to ~/work/ If there is an ambiguity, rh k/rh would help.

All Irregular and Strong Verbs by Frequency of Use

This course on Memrise includes all German irregular verbs (unregelmäßige und starke Verben) in the infinitive form, with 3rd Pers Sg. Präteritum and Perfekt forms. All verbs are arranged by frequency of use in German (source). Further, the Perfekt contains ‘hat’ or ‘ist’ (or both). Finally, there is a mention of the 2nd Person Singular form.

Window manipulation on Mac OS X using Hammerspoon

winter and grille are two Hammerspoon modules for handling windows on Mac OS X. Winter is a general purpose module, while Grille extends Winter to support various grids. Both modules sport a fluent interface and allow for a readable and effective configuration. These two modules represent my first excursion into Lua.